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WARNING: This capacitor can store energy at lethal (electrocution) levels. If you charge this capacitor with even a feeble "static electric" type of high voltage supply, it can become extremely dangerous. If you aren't familiar with electrical safety regarding capacitors and high voltage, don't mess with this device.

Update: as of 2005, many hobbyists have built the Gravity Capacitor yet
observed zero thrust.  The only ones who claim success have never 
provided any evidence other than their words, nor have they helped other
people to make the device operate.  I conclude that the ones who claim 
success are very probably lying about it  ...and Gravity Capacitor is
very probably worthless; it's only a rumor, a rumor backed by detailed 

Speaking of lying, Thomas Kennedy is not dead.  He did have a car 
accident, but his father lied to telephone callers about the death.

Speaking more of lying (or at least dishonesty through omission,) Thomas 
Kennedy never built a working Gravity Capacitor.   He never mentioned 
this important information in his plans.

Update: "S" reports full success (see "S Positive Results")
Also Cliff L. reports success but the details are sketchy.  Several people
on freenrg-L have built copies of this device, but detected no thrust at
all.  One possibility: The device built by "S" used 13 switches in
sequence, and this applied very large pulses of current as each switch was
closed.  Another possibility: Cliff L. thinks that the length of the short
foil strips is important, and they cannot all be exactly the same length.

Update: Cliff L. reports that mylar insulation does produce thrust, so wax
paper may not be necessary.  He also reports that alternating layers of
copper foil and aluminum foil produce thrust.  See the link to "C Positive

Update: someone on freenrg-L contacted the original author's family and
found that he had been killed in a car accident.

I don't understand why the author didn't include a patent number.  A
cursory search of 1930 patents shows nothing called "electric rocket" or
similar, but a more intensive search could be done.  

I wouldn't be suprised to discover that the article is a hoax, with the
goal being to get someone to put massive effort into building a foil-stack
capacitor with thousands of layers, each made of many small parts! 
Fascinating idea though, and very much in line with T.T.Brown's work with
the small apparent gravity forces generated by large capacitors at high
voltage.  It's also similar to the Morton Effect described at
http://amasci.com/freenrg/morton1.html   Mr. Morton observes
his effect during an electric discharge.  Perhaps the gravity capacitor
only produces thrust during a discharge, and not when the net charge is
constant?  (John Bedini thinks so, but nobody yet has built one.)

Also, the author doesn't say "I built one and it really worked."  This
leads me to wonder: where did he get the plans?  Maybe the original
inventor THOUGHT such a device should work, yet never actually built one?
(In my experience with weird science, this is common: people draw
detailed plans for devices which exist only in their minds and have never 
been tested.  I've done this myself many times!)

Note: the article doesn't mention high voltage, but it is apparant that a
"Fitzeau's Condenser" is a high-voltage device akin to a Leyden jar. I
vaguely recall that Fizeau's Condenser was the very first stacked-plate
capacitor.  It is intended to operate at high voltage.  That's probably
why the author requires two sheets of wax paper per layer: more sheets
mean that a higher voltage can be attained without internal arcing.  Once
the capacitor arcs through the wax paper, it is ruined, since the wax
paper is carbonized in one spot, and this acts as a short circuit.  (You'd
have to unsolder all of the foils, and track down which layer had the

Remember the first rule of Weird Science":  FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS, AND
DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING.  We don't know what makes this thing work, or even
if it does work.  If you decide to "improve" it by using plastic instead
of wax paper, and if the finished device creates zero thrust, what then? 
What if it really would have worked, if only you'd followed instructions
exactly?  If you're going to do that much work, why risk failure by
changing the device?  Without knowing exactly how it works, it is
impossible to improve it.  Your best course of action is to build TWO
devices, then add your improvements to only one of them.  (Or, simply
build one device, and follow instructions exactly.)

WARNING: If you charge this capacitor with even a feeble "static electric"
high voltage supply, the capacitor will store energy at lethal,
electrocution levels.  If you aren't familiar with electrical safety
regarding capacitors and high voltage, don't mess with this device.

> question: have you actually tried to build the "Gravity emitting
> capacitor"?

Nope, nobody has as yet.  Since it might be a hoax, cutting all that foil
and paper is a whole lot of work.  But even if it doesn't emit gravity
fields, you'll end up with a spiffy high-voltage capacitor for home

Hint: tin foil is available from dental supply houses, and pre-cut squares
of wax paper can be had from restaurant supply outlets.  It might be more
efficient to have a die-cut print shop make a die-cut master and stamp out
thousands of little tin foil sectors...

> Could we replace those little segments with solid rings?

Nobody knows.  Beware, if you don't follow instructions, you might cause
failure.  Something about those segments might originate the thrust.  For
one thing, a solid ring is the same above and below, so how could such a
ring "know" which way to move?  Maybe those little strips of tin on top of
the foil segments are the things which "program" the capacitor to produce
thrust (and maybe if the strips were BELOW the segments instead of above
them, then the thrust would reverse... or maybe thrust is produced by the
voltage polarity, and no segments are needed.  Who knows?) 

> It seems rather interesting, but I don't have the slightest
> clue how it would work.. it doesn't make much sense that a stored
> electric charge would produce a gravitational field.

Maybe it only produces thrust during a discharge?  Also, major new
discoveries in science RARELY make sense.  If they did, then someone would
have already discovered them.  The gravity-capacitor article states that
the inventor stumbled across the effect accidentally.  This is a good
sign, since in the "weird science" arena there are lots of people with
unusual THEORIES which lead to experiments which have never been tried
before.  Unusual theories rarely are correct, and the devices almost never
work. If, for example, suppose I have some novel theory about gravity and
capacitors, and I have not tested my theory by doing an experiment, then
the chances are almost certain that the experiment will not work. Yet on
the other hand, if somebody reports that they have (accidently) performed
an experiment which gives unexpected, unexplainable results, and that they
have no theory to explain the strange events, then chances are much better
that it is real and not just a mistake.  Human beings occasionally stumble
across phenomena which are not explained by contemporary science theory.

For example, Bequerel stumbled across the fact that uranium ore, when
placed against a photographic plate, will expose the plate even if opaque
cardboard paper is in the way.  At the time, this made no sense at all. 
Magic light from a rock?  Perpetual motion!  And light which goes through
opaque objects?  Ridiculous!  Fortunately the experiment was very easy to
perform, and so the disbelieving scientists rapidly became convinced that
the effect was real. They just couldn't explain it at the time.  This, and
other similar experiments, led to modern theories of nuclear physics. 

If the gravity-capacitor is real, it requires that there be an upheaval in
physics.  Currently there are NO theories which predict that capacitors
will emit significant thrust.  A few years after the discovery makes the
rounds, "electrogravity theory" might become part of mainstream science. 
Unfortunately, the experiment is not trivial to perform, and even if the
gravity-capacitor is built, there is a chance that the experimenter will
make some mistake or "improvement" which causes the effect to fail.  Also
unfortunately, there IS a chance that the thing is a hoax, and therefor
anyone who builds the capacitor might waste their time.  (Actually, it is
not a complete waste of time, since a high-voltage capacitor is the end
result.  Use it in a tesla coil or something.  Immerse it in a bucket of
mineral oil to attain a higher maximum voltage.  Don't electrocute
yourself though!  High voltage capacitors are not toys.) 

Created and maintained by Bill Beaty. Mail me at: .